Nicola Tamanini

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GWs @ L2IT

Curriculum Vitae

On this page you can find an extended version of my CV, including all relevant academic activities. A short summary is provided at the top. A two-page version of the CV is also available for download [pdf] (latest update 14/10/2024).

In a nutshell

My higher education consists in a BSc in physics (2008) and an MSc in theoretical and computational physics (2010) from the University of Trento (Italy), completed by a PhD in applied mathematics (2014) at University College London (UK). Throughout my MSc and PhD I mainly studied different theoretical and mathematical aspects of alternative theories of gravity and cosmology. In 2014 I started my first postdoc position at the Institut de Physique Théorique at CEA Saclay (France), where I worked on physical cosmology and started research on gravitational waves, joining the LISA Consortium. In 2017 I moved for my second postdoc position to the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam (Germany), where I joined the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and focused my research on different cosmological and astrophysical applications of gravitational wave astronomy. From 2021 I am a CNRS Directeur de Recherche at the Laboratoire des 2 Infinis - Toulouse (France), where I lead the gravitational wave group which is part of the LISA Consortium, the Virgo Collaboration, and the Einstein Telescope Consortium.



Professional training

Large collaboration memberships

Individual research grants and fellowships

Individual research grants and fellowships (offered but declined)

Collaborative research grants led by myself



Research appointements

Academic services (external)

Academic services (internal)

Organisation of scientific meetings

  1. 3rd MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves, Toulouse, France, Jul 2024
  2. GWCats: Gravitational Wave Cosmology meets Galaxy Catalogues, Glasgow, UK, Jun 2024 [Main organiser]
  3. Journée des groupes de travail “Cosmologie” et “Tests de la relativité générale et théories alternatives” du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Paris, France, Oct 2023, [Member of the OC]
  4. 2nd MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves, Nice, France, Jul 2023 [Member of the SOC]
  5. 10th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Stavanger, Norway, Jun 2023 [Member of the SOC]
  6. PONT2023, Avignon, France, May 2023 [Member of the OC]
  7. Journée scientifique LPT/L2IT, Toulouse, France, Jan 2023 [Member of the OC]
  8. LISA data analysis: from classical methods to machine learning workshop, Toulouse, France, Nov 2022 [Overall coordinator and main organiser]
  9. Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Toulouse, France, Oct 2022 [Chair of the LOC]
  10. LISA Symposium XVI, online, Jul 2022 [Member of the scientific advisory committee]
  11. 1st MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves, Marseille, France, Jul 2022 [Member of the SOC]
  12. LDPG Workshop, Toulouse, France, Jun 2022 [Member of the LOC]
  13. Virgo France Cosmology Meeting, Paris, France, Jun 2022 [Organiser]
  14. Rencontre commune des groupes de travail “Cosmologie” et “Tests de la relativité générale et théories alternatives” du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Orsay, France, Jun 2022 [Member of the SOC]
  15. IRAP-L2IT gravitational waves mini-symposium, Toulouse, France, Dec 2021 [Member of the OC]
  16. 9th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, online, Dec 2021 [Member of the OC]
  17. GW Job Fair, online, Nov 2021 [Member of the OC]
  18. GW Early Career Scientists (GWECS) Meeting, online, Sept 2021 [Chair of the OC]
  19. GW Early Career Scientists Funding Opportunity Workshop, online, Jun 2021 [Member of the OC]
  20. Workshop on Gravitational Waves Astrophysics for Early Career Scientists (GWÆCS), online (Lorentz Center workshop), May 2021 [Chair of the OC]
  21. LECS webinar: European research funding opportunities for early career scientists, online, Jul 2020 [Organiser]
  22. Progress on Old and New Themes in Cosmology (PONT), Avignon, France, Apr 2017 [Member of the OC]


Postdocs supervised

PhD students supervised

Students supervised (all at the L2IT)


Reviewed theses (external reviewer)

Participation in PhD thesis committees

Refereed peer-review research journals

  1. Nature
  2. Physical Review Letters (PRL)
  3. Nature Communications Physics
  4. Physical Review D (PRD)
  5. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)
  6. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparrticle Physics (JCAP)
  7. Physics of the Dark Universe
  8. Physics Letters B (PLB)
  9. European Physical Journal C (EPJC)
  10. General Relativity and Gravitation (GERG)
  11. International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD)
  12. Modern Physics Letters A
  13. Gravitation and Cosmology
  14. International Journal of Geometrical Methods in Modern Physics
  15. Astrophysics and Space Science
  16. Advances in High Energy Physics
  17. The Astrophysical Journal
  18. Universe
  19. Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
  20. The Astronomical Journal

Refereed research proposals

  1. Thematic programme of the Institut Pascal, Université Paris-Saclay, France, 2023
  2. EURIZON Fellowship Programme: “Remote Research Grants for Ukrainian Researchers”, EU, 2023
  3. SNSF Projects MINT, Switzerland, 2023
  4. NWO Talent Programme 2021, Vidi research proposal, The Netherlands, 2022
  5. ANR Generic Call for Proposals, France, 2021
  6. FONDECYT Regular Competition, Chile, 2018

Travel research grants

Outreach activities

Invited seminars & colloquia

  1. Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens, CERN, Geneva [31/01/2024]
  2. Science synergies between ground- and space-based gravitational wave observatories, IP2I Lyon, France [15/12/2023]
  3. Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens, EuCapt Colloquim (remote) [14/11/2023]
  4. La phénoménologie des ondes gravitationnelles (in French), Conseil Scientifique de l’IN2P3, Paris [03/07/2023]
  5. GW cosmology with LISA, Ghent University, Belgium [28/03/2023]
  6. Early career in GWs, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam, Germany [30/09/2022]
  7. Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, University of Salamanca, Spain [07/06/2022]
  8. Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, HEP-Cosmo-Astro seminar (remote) [14/04/2022]
  9. Gravitational wave cosmology with LISA, Webinaires de l’Action Dark Energy (remote), France [17/02/2022]
  10. Detecting circumbinary exoplanets with gravitational waves from the center-of-mass motion of LISA Galactic binaries, University of Birmingham (remote), UK [09/12/2020]
  11. Eppur si muove: detecting circumbinary exoplanets with gravitational waves from the center-of-mass motion of LISA Galactic binaries, University of Amsterdam (remote), The Netherlands [04/11/2020]
  12. Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, University of Zurich, Switzerland [16/05/2019]
  13. Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, University of Geneva, Switzerland [07/12/2018]
  14. Standard sirens: cosmology with gravitational waves, Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland [30/11/2017]
  15. Cosmology with massive black hole binary mergers as standard sirens, University of Lisbon, Portugal [20/03/2017]
  16. Cosmology with massive black hole binary mergers as standard sirens, Columbia University, New York, USA [02/03/2017]
  17. Measuring the peculiar acceleration of merging binary black holes with LISA, Univ. Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA [24/02/2017]
  18. Measuring the peculiar acceleration of merging binary black holes with LISA, KICP, Chicago, USA [22/02/2017]
  19. Cosmology with gravitational waves and gravitational waves with cosmology, University of Geneva, Switzerland [04/11/2016]
  20. Cosmology with gravitational waves, ICCUB, Barcelona, Spain [27/06/2016]
  21. Cosmology with gravitational waves, Imperial College, London, UK [27/05/2016]
  22. Cosmology with gravitational waves, UCL, London, UK [01/06/2016]
  23. Cosmology with gravitational waves, DAMTP, Cambridge, UK [23/05/2016]
  24. Cosmology with gravitational waves, KBFI, Tallinn, Estonia [12/05/2016]
  25. New phenomenology for dark energy interacting with dark matter, IPhT, Saclay, France [21/01/2015]
  26. Cosmological dynamics for scalar fields with kinetic corrections, QMUL, London, UK [19/02/2014]
  27. Extensions of f(R) gravity and their applications in cosmology, ICG, Portsmouth, UK [04/12/2013]

Invited conference talks

  1. Standard sirens with LISA, Talk at the 15th LISA Symposium, Dublin, Ireland [08/07/2024]
  2. Standard sirens for LISA, Talk at the 11th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Porto, Portugal [20/06/2024]
  3. Cosmology with GWs and latest LVK results, Talk at Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe Tools 2024 - 5th World Summit, Île de Noirmoutier, France [04/06/2024]
  4. Project LIROCOS, Talk at the journée de restitution de la MITI, Paris, France [22/03/2024]
  5. LISA forecasts on LCDM, Talk at LISA Fundamental Physics WG Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark [10/08/2023]
  6. LISA cosmology vs L3 catalogs, Talk at Towards LISA catalogs, Nice, France [13/06/2023]
  7. What to expect from LISA, Talk at The quest for precision gravitational wave cosmology, Chicago, USA [19/09/2022]
  8. GW cosmology with LISA (and TianQin), Talk at TianQin Astro Workshop, online [24/08/2022]
  9. Cosmology with Gravitational Waves: Current Results and Future Prospects, Talk at International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Gravitation and Cosmology, online [17/12/2021]
  10. Science overview of LIGO/Virgo and LISA, Talk at IRAP-L2IT gravitaitonal waves mini-symposium, Toulouse, France [10/12/2021]
  11. Cosmology with gravitaitonal-wave standard sirens, Talk at the Paris Saclay Astroparticule Symposium, Sacaly, France [26/11/2021]
  12. Exploring and building the future of GW astronomy with GWverse, Talk at the Global meeting of the GWVerse COST action, Lisbon/online [31/08/2021]
  13. Gravitational wave cosmology: a new arena to test the dark universe, Talk at Atelier de Physique Théorique des deux infinis, online [07/06/2021]
  14. Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, Talk at PONT2020, online [10/12/2020]
  15. Can LISA detect exoplanets?, Talk at LISA Consortium meeting, Online event [21/07/2020]
  16. Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, Talk at Multimessenger@Prague, Prague, Czech Republic [09/07/2019]
  17. Cosmology with LISA standard sirens, Talk at GR22-Amaldi13, Valencia, Spain [09/07/2019]
  18. Astrophysics and Cosmology with LISA Sources, Talk at KITP conference Merging Visions: Exploring Compact-Object Binaries with Gravity and Light, Santa Barbara, USA [26/06/2019]
  19. Cosmology with LISA standard sirens, Talk at Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Italy [26/03/2019]
  20. Multimessenger cosmology with LISA, Talk at the Enabling LISA Science Exploitation workshop, Leiden, The Netherlands [05/03/2019]
  21. Cosmology and modified gravity with LISA standard sirens, Talk at the LISA consortium meeting, Marseille, France [07/11/2018]
  22. Cosmology with standard sirens, Talk at the meeting of the GdR ondes gravitationnelles, Paris, France [18/10/2018]
  23. Gravitational wave cosmology with LISA, Talk at the 2018 DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg, Germany [27/09/2018]
  24. Standard sirens for LISA, Talk at the 4th LISA cosmology working group workshop, Mainz, Germany [18/10/2017]
  25. Cosmology with LISA: standard sirens, Talk at LISA France meeting, Paris, France [13/10/2017]
  26. Late-time cosmology with LISA: probing the cosmic expansion with massive black hole binary mergers as standard sirens, Talk at Advances in Theoretical Cosmology in Light of Data, Stockholm, Sweden [03/07/2017]

Contributed conference talks

  1. Cosmology working group: plans and preparations for O4, talk at the Virgo Week, EGO/Cascina, Italy [07/11/2022]
  2. Cosmology with gravitational waves: from theory to observations, talk at the workshop A Shot in the Dark: New Challenges in Cosmology 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands [30/06/2022]
  3. LVK Cosmology Working Group Plans and Preparations for 04, talk at the Virgo France Cosmology Meeting, Paris, France [21/06/2022]
  4. Constraining higher-dimensional cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens, Talk at the Cinquième Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Annecy, France [11/10/2021]
  5. Mapping the cosmic expansion with LISA standard sirens: current status, challenges and opportunities, Talk at the LISA Symposium XIII, online [02/09/2020]
  6. Detecting circumbinary exoplanets orbiting double white dwarf binaries with LISA, Talk at the Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Portsmouth, UK [17/12/2019]
  7. Circumbinary exoplanets: a new science case for LISA, Talk at the LISA astrophysics working group meeting, Paris, France [12/12/2018]
  8. Cosmology at all redshifts with LISA, Talk at the 12th LISA symposium, Chicago, USA [12/07/2018]
  9. LISA standard sirens, Talk at the 5th LISA cosmology working group workshop, Helsinki, Finland [11/06/2018]
  10. Standard sirens cosmography with LISA, Talk at the GWverse COST action meeting, Valletta, Malta [22/01/2018]
  11. Measuring the peculiar acceleration of binary black holes with LISA, Talk at TEGrAW, Paris, France [30/06/2017]
  12. Cosmology with LISA: massive black hole mergers as standard sirens, Talk at GPhys, Meudon, France [19/06/2017]
  13. Probing cosmology and measuring the peculiar acceleration of binary black holes with LISA, Talk at StronG BaD, Oxford, Mississippi, USA [28/02/2017]
  14. Gravitational waves: present and future observations plus cosmological applications, Talk at Strings, Cosmology, and Gravity Student Conference 2017, Paris, France [17/02/2017]
  15. The effect of matter structure on the gravitational waveform, Talk at Gravitational Waves and Cosmology \& the 3rd eLISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, DESY Hamburg, Germany [21/10/2016]
  16. Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the 11th International LISA Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland [08/09/2016]
  17. Late-time cosmology with gravitational waves, Talk at the GRavitational-wave Astronomy Meeting in PAris (GRAMPA), Paris, France [31/08/2016]
  18. Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the 21st International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, New York, USA [13/07/2016]
  19. Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at Cosmology after Planck: what is next?, Les Houches, France [27/04/2016]
  20. Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the 28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Geneva, Switzerland [16/12/2015]
  21. Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the eLISA consortium meeting, Paris, France [13/10/2015]
  22. Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the 2nd eLISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Stavanger, Norway [23/09/2015]
  23. Late-time cosmology with gravitational waves, Talk at the 8th Aegean Summer School, Rethymno, Greece [30/06/2015]
  24. New phenomenology for interacting dark energy, Talk at UK Cosmology Meeting, Queen Mary University of London, UK [27/02/2015]
  25. Cosmic dynamics of cosmological scalar fields, Talk at BritGrav14, Cambridge, UK [01/03/2014]
  26. The complete dynamics of a cosmological scalar field capable of crossing the phantom barrier, Talk at UK Cosmology Meeting, Kings College London, UK [20/01/2014]
  27. Good tetrads and exact solutions in f(T) gravity,Talk at the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden [05/07/2012]
  28. A biconnection variational principle for General Relativity,Talk at the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden [03/07/2012]

Poster presentations at conferences

  1. Hybrid metric-Palatini gravities, Poster presentation at the 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Warsaw, Poland [07/07/2013]

Chaired sessions at conferences

  1. Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Cosmology session, Marseille, France [15/10/2024]
  2. LVK Collaboration Meeting, f2f cosmology session, Barcelona, Spain [23/09/2024]
  3. Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Cosmology session, Meudon, France [16/10/2023]
  4. LVK Collaboration Meeting, f2f cosmology session, Toyama, Japan [11/09/2023]
  5. ET Symposium ET OSB Div5 session, Cagliari Italy [10/05/2023]
  6. LVK Collaboration Meeting, f2f cosmology session, Chicago, US [16/03/2023]
  7. LVK Collaboration Meeting, f2f cosmology session, Cardiff, UK [12/09/2022]
  8. AAP MITI Nouvelles méthodes pour le traitement et l’analyse des données spatiales, Discussion at LIDA in France, Caen, France [18/05/2022]
  9. LECS discussion, Panel discussion at LISA Symposium XIII, online

Participations in conference panel discussions

  1. Future Challenges in GW Cosmology, Panel discussion at A Shot in the Dark: New Challenges in Cosmology 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands [30/06/2022]
  2. A career in science: FAQs, Panel discussion at the Global meeting of the GWVerse COST action, Lisbon/online [30/08/2021]

Scientific events attended

  1. Feb 2025, Workshop on Belgium-Netherland-France collaboration in GW physics, Paris/online, France
  2. Oct 2024, Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Marseille, France
  3. Oct 2024, Virgo and ET France meeting, Caen/online, France
  4. Sept 2024, Heterogenous Data and Large Representation Models in Science, Toulouse, France
  5. Sept 2024, LVK Collaboration Meeting, Barcelona, Spain
  6. Aug 2024, Rodolphe Cledassou Summer School, Hendaye, France
  7. Jul 2024, 15th LISA Symposium, Dublin, Ireland
  8. Jul 2024, 3rd MaNiTou Summer School on GWs, Toulouse, France
  9. Jun 2024, GWCats: GW Cosmology meets Galaxy Catalogues, Glasgow, UK
  10. Jun 2024, 11th LISA CosWG Workshop, Porto, Portugal
  11. Jun 2024, LISA DDPC Kick-off meeting, Toulouse, France
  12. Jun 2024, Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe Tools 2024 - 5th World Summit, Île de Noirmoutier, France
  13. Mar 2024, Journée de restitution de la MITI, Paris, France
  14. Nov 2023, LISA France Meeting, Paris, France
  15. Oct 2023, Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Meudon, France
  16. Oct 2023, Journée des groupes de travail “Cosmologie” et “Tests de la relativité générale et théories alternatives” du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Paris, France
  17. Oct 2023, Virgo+ET France Meeting, Paris, France
  18. Sept 2023, LVK Collaboration Meeting, Toyama, Japan
  19. Aug 2023, LISA Fundamental Physics WG Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark
  20. Jun 2023, A journey through the theoretical universe, Toulouse, France
  21. Jun 2023, Towards LISA catalogs, Nice, France
  22. Jun 2023, 10th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Stavanger, Norway
  23. May 2023, ET Symposium, Cagliari, Italy
  24. May 2023, PONT2023, Avignon, France
  25. Mar 2023, LVK collaboration meeting, Chicago, US
  26. Jan 2023, Journée scientifique LPT/L2IT, Toulouse, France,
  27. Nov 2022, LISA data analysis: from classical methods to machine learining workshop, Toulouse, France
  28. Nov 2022, Virgo Week, EGO/Cascina, Italy
  29. Oct 2022, Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Toulouse, France
  30. Oct 2022, Virgo France meeting, Paris, France
  31. Sept 2022, AEI PhD student day, Potsdam, Germany
  32. Sept 2022, The quest for precision gravitational wave cosmology, Chicago, USA
  33. Sept 2022, LVK collaboration meeting, Cardiff, UK
  34. Aug 2022, TianQin Astro Workshop, online
  35. Jul 2022, LISA Symposium XVI, online
  36. Jun 2022, A Shot in the Dark: New Challenges in Cosmology 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands
  37. Jun 2022, Virgo France Cosmology Meeting, Paris, France
  38. Jun 2022, Rencontre commune des groupes de travail “Cosmologie” et “Tests de la relativité générale et théories alternatives” du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Orsay, France
  39. Jun 2022, EuCAPT Workshop: Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments, Rome, Italy
  40. May 2022, LIDA in France, Caen, France
  41. Mar 2022, LVK collaboration meeting, online
  42. Feb 2022, LDPG workshop, online
  43. Jan 2022, LISA Consortium meeting, online
  44. Dec 2021, IRAP-L2IT gravitatinal waves mini-symposium, Toulouse, France
  45. Dec 2021, 9th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, online
  46. Dec 2021, Journée thématique de physique nucléaire et physique astro-nucleare, Toulouse, France
  47. Nov 2021, Paris Saclay Astroparticule Symposium, Saclay, France
  48. Nov 2021, Gravitational wave job fair 2021, online
  49. Oct 2021, Colloque de restitution de l’exercice de prospective nationale 2021-2030, Giens, France
  50. Oct 2021, Cinquième Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Annecy, France
  51. Sept 2021, Gravitational wave early career scientists (GWECS) meeting, online
  52. Sept 2021, École de Gif, Marseille, France
  53. Aug 2021, Global meeting of the GWVerse COST action, Lisbon/online
  54. Jun 2021, Atelier de Physique Théorique des deux infinis, online
  55. May 2021, Gravitational wave astrophysics for early career scientists (GWÆCS), Lorentz Center Workshop, online
  56. Apr 2021, Current challenges in gravitational physics workshop, online
  57. Mar 2021, Gwmess2021 (annual conference of the GdR in GWs), online
  58. Feb 2021, First Einstein Telescope France workshop, online
  59. Jan 2021, Meeting of the cosmology working group of the Groupement de Recherche (GdR) on Gravitational Waves, online
  60. Dec 2020, Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology (PONT2020), online
  61. Dec 2020, 11th Einstein Telescope Symposium, online
  62. Dec 2020, LISA Consortium meeting, online
  63. Oct 2020, General meeting of the GdR ondes gravitationnelles, online
  64. Sept 2020, LISA Symposium XIII, online
  65. Jun 2020, LISA Consortium meeting, online
  66. Dec 2019, Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Portsmouth, UK
  67. Dec 2019, Multimessenger@Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
  68. Jul 2019, GR22/Amaldi13, Valencia, Spain
  69. Jun 2019, KITP conference Merging Visions: Exploring Compact Object Binaries with Gravity and Light, Santa Barbara, USA
  70. Mar 2019, Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Italy
  71. Mar 2019, Enabling LISA Science Exploitation workshop, Leiden, The Netherlands
  72. Dic 2018, LISA astrophysics Working Group meeting, Paris, France
  73. Nov 2018, LISA Fundamental Physics Working Group meeting, Firenze, Italy
  74. Nov 2018, LISA consortium meeting, Marseille, France
  75. Oct 2018, General meeting of the GdR ondes gravitationnelles, Paris, France
  76. Sept 2018, 2018 DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg, Germany
  77. Sept 2018, LIGO/Virgo collaboration meeting, Maastricht, Netherlands
  78. Jul 2018, 12th LISA symposium, Chicago, USA
  79. Jun 2018, 5th LISA cosmology working group workshop, Helsinki, Finland
  80. Jan 2018 GWverse COST action meeting, Valletta, Malta
  81. Nov 2017, LISA consortium meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands
  82. Oct 2017, 4th LISA cosmology working group workshop, Mainz, Germany
  83. Oct 2017, LISA France meeting, Paris, France
  84. Jul 2017, Advances in Theoretical Cosmology in Light of Data, Stockholm, Sweden
  85. Jun 2017, The Era of Gravitational wave Astronomy, Paris, France
  86. Jun 2017, GPhys, Meudon, France
  87. Jun 2017, Gravitational waves for astrophysics and cosmology, Benasque, Spain
  88. Apr 2017, Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology (PONT2017), Avignon, France
  89. Feb 2017, StronG BaD, Oxford, Mississippi, USA
  90. Feb 2017, Strings, Cosmology, and Gravity Student Conference 2017, Paris, France
  91. Dic 2016, 10th TRR1.33 Winter School on Cosmology, Passo del Tonale, Italy
  92. Nov 2016, 1st CANTATA meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
  93. Oct 2016, Gravitational Waves and Cosmology \& the 3rd eLISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, DESY Hamburg, Germany
  94. Sept 2016, 11th International LISA Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland
  95. Aug 2016, GRavitational1.wave Astronomy Meeting in PAris (GRAMPA), Paris, France
  96. Jul 2016, 21st International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, New York, USA
  97. Apr 2016, Cosmology after Planck: what is next?, Les Houches, France
  98. Oct 2015, 28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Geneva, Switzerland
  99. Oct 2015, The Time Machine Factory, Torino, Italy
  100. Oct 2015, eLISA consortium meeting, Paris, France
  101. Sept 2015, 2nd eLISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Stavanger, Norway
  102. Jun 2015, 8th Aegean summer school on gravitational waves, Rethymno (Crete), Greece
  103. Apr 2015, 1st workshop of the eLISA cosmology working group, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  104. Mar 2015, Extended theories of gravity, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
  105. Feb 2015, UK Cosmology Meeting, Queen Mary University of London, UK
  106. Nov 2014, Modern aspects of gravity and cosmology, LPT, Orsay, France
  107. Sept 2014, Dark Matter Numerical Simulations, IPhT, CEA1.Saclay, France
  108. Apr 2014, Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology (PONT), Avignon, France
  109. Mar 2014, BritGrav14, Cambridge, UK
  110. Mar 2014, Cosmology and the constants of Nature, Cambridge, UK
  111. Jan 2014, UK Cosmology Meeting, Kings College London, UK
  112. July 2013, 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation and 10th Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Warsaw, Poland
  113. July 2012, 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden
  114. Sept 2011, Do we understand gravity?, Institute of Physics, London, UK
  115. Dic 2010, 4th TRR1.33 Winter School on Cosmology, Passo del Tonale, Italy

Spoken languages