Curriculum Vitae
On this page you can find an extended version of my CV, including all relevant academic activities. A short summary is provided at the top. A two-page version of the CV is also available for download [pdf] (latest update 14/10/2024).
In a nutshell
My higher education consists in a BSc in physics (2008) and an MSc in theoretical and computational physics (2010) from the University of Trento (Italy), completed by a PhD in applied mathematics (2014) at University College London (UK). Throughout my MSc and PhD I mainly studied different theoretical and mathematical aspects of alternative theories of gravity and cosmology. In 2014 I started my first postdoc position at the Institut de Physique Théorique at CEA Saclay (France), where I worked on physical cosmology and started research on gravitational waves, joining the LISA Consortium. In 2017 I moved for my second postdoc position to the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute) in Potsdam (Germany), where I joined the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and focused my research on different cosmological and astrophysical applications of gravitational wave astronomy. From 2021 I am a CNRS Directeur de Recherche at the Laboratoire des 2 Infinis - Toulouse (France), where I lead the gravitational wave group which is part of the LISA Consortium, the Virgo Collaboration, and the Einstein Telescope Consortium.
- since Feb 2021,
CNRS Directeur de Recherche,
Laboratoire de 2 infinis - Toulouse, France
- from Oct 2017 to Jan 2021,
Junior Scientist/Postdoc position,
Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam, Germany
- from Sept 2014 to Sept 2017,
Enhanced Eurotalents Research Fellow/Postdoc position,
Institut de Physique Théorique, CEA-Saclay, France
- from Sept 2011 to Sept 2014,
PhD in applied mathematics,
University College London, UK
- from Feb 2011 to Jun 2011,
Teaching and research assistant (part-time),
University of Trento, Italy
- from Sept 2009 to Nov 2010,
Visiting research student (Erasmus),
Imperial College London, UK
- from Dec 2008 to Dec 2010,
MSc in theoretical and computational physics,
University of Trento, Italy [110/110 e lode]
- from Sept 2005 to Dec 2008,
BSc in physics, University of Trento, Italy [110/110 e lode]
Professional training
- Formation Manageriale “SOCLE” du CNRS, Toulouse/online, 2023
Large collaboration memberships
- Member of the Einstein Telescope Consortium [since 2022]
- Leader of the Virgo group at L2IT [since 2021]
- Leader of the LISA group at L2IT [since 2021]
- Member of the Virgo Collaboration [since 2021]
- Full member of the LISA Consortium [since 2014]
- Member of the LIGO Scientific Collaboration [from 2017 to 2021]
Individual research grants and fellowships
- CNES PhD Grant, L2IT, Toulouse, France 2023 [funds for half a PhD scholarship, ca. €70000]
- ANR Tremplin–ERC, L2IT, Toulouse, France, 2020 [research fundings, tot. €76700 for 1 year]
- Enhanced Eurotalents Research Fellowship, CEA Saclay, France, 2014 [50\% of postdoc’s salary for 2 years + research/travel fundings, tot. ca. €65000]
Individual research grants and fellowships (offered but declined)
- Royal Society University Research Fellowship, King’s College London, UK, 2020 [fellow’s salary for 5 years + research/travel fundings, tot. ca. £600000]
- Radboud Excellence Initiative Fellowship, Radboud University, The Netherlands, 2016 [postdoc’s salary for 2 years, tot. ca. €120000]
Collaborative research grants led by myself
- ANR MRSEI project GWCats, L2IT, Toulouse, France, 2024 (in collaboration with Univ. of Glasgow; role: PI) [collaborative research fundings, tot. €30000 for 2 year]
- CNRS AMORCE project GWGSC, L2IT, Toulouse, France, 2024 (in collaboration with Univ. of Glasgow; role: PI) [collaborative research fundings, tot. €10000 for 1 year]
- Plan Nationaux de l’INSU, L2IT, Toulouse, France, 2023 (in collaboration with IRAP, CPPM, CPT, ARTEMIS; role: PI) [fundings for the summer school MaNiTou, tot. €8000]
- Écoles thematiques du CNRS, L2IT, Toulouse, France, 2023 (in collaboration with IRAP, CPPM, CPT, ARTEMIS; role: PI) [fundings for the summer school MaNiTou, tot. €5500]
- CNRS MITI Project LIROCOS, L2IT, Toulouse, France, 2022 (in collaboration with APC, CEA and CNES; role: PI) [collaborative research fundings, tot. €50000 for 2 years]
- Graduate Research Scholarship, University College London, UK, 2011 [PhD fees and salary, ca. £22000 p.a. for 3 years]
- Percorso di Approfondimento in Fisica (PAF) Scholarship, University of Trento, Italy, 2008 [€4000 p.a. for 3 years]
- Honourable Mention in the Essays Competition by the Gravity Research Foundation, 2020
- Andrew Rosen PhD prize, University College London, UK, 2013
- Percorso di Approfondimento in Fisica (PAF) award, University of Trento, Italy, 2008
Research appointements
- Member of the Virgo Speakers Committee (since 2024)
- Member of the ET Early-Career Scientist Support Committee (since 2024)
- Chair of the ET OSB Division 5 on synergy with other GW observatories (since 2023)
- Coordinator General of the GW Early Career Scientists (GWECS) organisation (from 2022 to 2023)
- Member of the Comité de Pilotage and of the Conseil Scientifique of the GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles (since 2022)
- Coordinator of the cosmology working group of the GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles (since 2022)
- Elected early-career chair of the LISA Cosmology Working Group (from 2021 to 2024)
- Chair of the LIGO-Virgo-Kagra Cosmology Working Group (from 2021 to 2024)
- Member of the LISA Consortium Publication and Presentation (P&P) Committee (since 2021)
- Coordinator of the LISA Science Group sub-working package on estimation of cosmological parameters and standard sirens (from 2019 to 2024)
- Elected chair of the LISA Early Career Scientists (LECS) group (from 2019 to 2021)
Academic services (external)
- Member of the selection committee for a PhD position at Aix-Marseille University and La Sapienza University (2023)
- Member of the selection committee for a tenure-track full professorship position (chaire excellence) at Aix-Marseille University (2023)
- Member of the selection committee of the ATER positions for CNU Sec 29 at Université de Toulouse Paul Sabatier (since 2022)
- Nominated member of the Collège Scientifique Physique-SDU de l’Université de Toulouse Paul Sabatier (since 2022)
Academic services (internal)
- Chair of the gravitational-wave PhD application selection committee at L2IT (2023)
- Member of the selection commitee for a junior professorship chair at L2IT / Univ. Paul Sabatier (2022)
- Chair of the gravitational-wave postdoc application selection committee at L2IT (2022)
- Chair of the gravitational-wave postdoc application selection committee at L2IT (2021)
- Chair of the gravitational-wave PhD application selection committee at L2IT (2021)
- Member of the PhD application review committee at the AEI Potsdam (from 2019 to 2021)
- Organizer of the weekly seminars in the Astrophysical and Cosmological Relativity division at the AEI Potsdam (form 2017 to 2020)
Organisation of scientific meetings
- 3rd MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves, Toulouse, France, Jul 2024
- GWCats: Gravitational Wave Cosmology meets Galaxy Catalogues, Glasgow, UK, Jun 2024 [Main organiser]
- Journée des groupes de travail “Cosmologie” et “Tests de la relativité générale et théories alternatives” du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Paris, France, Oct 2023, [Member of the OC]
- 2nd MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves, Nice, France, Jul 2023 [Member of the SOC]
- 10th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Stavanger, Norway, Jun 2023 [Member of the SOC]
- PONT2023, Avignon, France, May 2023 [Member of the OC]
- Journée scientifique LPT/L2IT, Toulouse, France, Jan 2023 [Member of the OC]
- LISA data analysis: from classical methods to machine learning workshop, Toulouse, France, Nov 2022 [Overall coordinator and main organiser]
- Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Toulouse, France, Oct 2022 [Chair of the LOC]
- LISA Symposium XVI, online, Jul 2022 [Member of the scientific advisory committee]
- 1st MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves, Marseille, France, Jul 2022 [Member of the SOC]
- LDPG Workshop, Toulouse, France, Jun 2022 [Member of the LOC]
- Virgo France Cosmology Meeting, Paris, France, Jun 2022 [Organiser]
- Rencontre commune des groupes de travail “Cosmologie” et “Tests de la relativité générale et théories alternatives” du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Orsay, France, Jun 2022 [Member of the SOC]
- IRAP-L2IT gravitational waves mini-symposium, Toulouse, France, Dec 2021 [Member of the OC]
- 9th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, online, Dec 2021 [Member of the OC]
- GW Job Fair, online, Nov 2021 [Member of the OC]
- GW Early Career Scientists (GWECS) Meeting, online, Sept 2021 [Chair of the OC]
- GW Early Career Scientists Funding Opportunity Workshop, online, Jun 2021 [Member of the OC]
- Workshop on Gravitational Waves Astrophysics for Early Career Scientists (GWÆCS), online (Lorentz Center workshop), May 2021 [Chair of the OC]
- LECS webinar: European research funding opportunities for early career scientists, online, Jul 2020 [Organiser]
- Progress on Old and New Themes in Cosmology (PONT), Avignon, France, Apr 2017 [Member of the OC]
- Abilitazione per Professore Universitario, Italy, 2020
- Qualification pour Maître de Conférence, France, 2019
Postdocs supervised
- Gergely Dálya, L2IT (from Feb 2024)
- Ollie Burke, L2IT (from Sept 2022 to Dec 2024)
- Martina Toscani, L2IT (from Nov 2021 to Oct 2023)
- Danny Laghi, L2IT (from Jul 2021 to May 2024)
PhD students supervised
- Zheng Wu, L2IT (from Oct 2024)
- Tom Bertheas, L2IT (from Oct 2024)
- Manuel Piarulli, L2IT (co-supervisor; from Nov 2023)
- Vasco Gennari, L2IT (from Oct 2023)
- Chang Liu, Peking University (co-supervisor; from Oct 2022 to Sept 2023)
- Vivienne Langen, L2IT (from Nov 2021)
Students supervised (all at the L2IT)
- Irene Iorio (M2 intern from Feb 2025 to Jul 2025)
- Tom Bertheas (M2 intern from Apr to Jul 2024; co-supervised with D. Steer (APC))
- Cyrian Jacquot & Mani Larripa (L2 research project; from Jan to Jun 2024)
- Thomas Jacquot (M2 intern from Mar to Juk 2024; co-supervised with G. Dálya)
- Olympe Léchine (M2 intern from Mar to Jul 2023; co-supervised with M. Toscani)
- Nour Bou Zamel (L3 intern from Mar to Jun 2023)
- Rémi Delpech (M2 intern from Feb to July 2022; co-supervised with A. Blanchard (IRAP))
- Niccolò Muttoni (research assistant from Nov 2021 to Apr 2022)
- Gravitational Waves, Short-term course, Rodolphe Cledassou Summer School, Hendaye, France, 2024
- Ondes Gravitationnelles (in French), Short-term course, Euclid Summer School, Ronce-les-Bains, France, 2023
- Gravitational waves and their applications to cosmology, Invited pedagogical seminar, Mathematical foundations and applications of gravity, online, 2022
- Gravitational wave cosmology with LISA, Invited pedagogical seminar, Euclid Summer School, Banyuls, France, 2022
- Triple systems and exoplanets with LISA, Invited pedagogical seminar, 1st MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves, Marseille, France, 2022
- Gravitational Wave Cosmology, Teacher, Invited pedagogical seminar, Ecole de Gif 2021, Marseille, France, 2021
- Gravitational Waves, Teacher, Short-term course, 10th TRR-33 Winter School on Cosmology, Passo del Tonale, Italy, 2016
- Introduction to Mathematica, Teacher, Short-term course, University College London, UK, 2013
- Introduction to Mathematica, Teaching assistant, Short-term course, University College London, UK, 2012
- Structure of Matter, Teaching assistant, Long-term course, University of Trento, Italy, 2011
Reviewed theses (external reviewer)
- Dark Siren Cosmology and Binary Black Holes Populations with LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Gravitational Waves, Grégoire Pierra, PhD thesis, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2024
- Étude de l’influence gravitationnelle d’une impulsion lumineuse, Paul Lageyre, PhD thesis, Université de Bordeaux, 2021
- The astrophysics of black hole binaries in the era of gravitational wave astronomy, Alberto Mangiagli, PhD thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2020
- Extreme Stars in Alternative Theories of Gravity, Marc Pace, MSc thesis, University of Malta, 2017
Participation in PhD thesis committees
- Elie Leroy, Université Paris-Saclay, 2024
- Gregoire Pierra, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, 2024
- Paul Lageyre, Université de Bordeaux, 2021
Refereed peer-review research journals
- Nature
- Physical Review Letters (PRL)
- Nature Communications Physics
- Physical Review D (PRD)
- Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS)
- Journal of Cosmology and Astroparrticle Physics (JCAP)
- Physics of the Dark Universe
- Physics Letters B (PLB)
- European Physical Journal C (EPJC)
- General Relativity and Gravitation (GERG)
- International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD)
- Modern Physics Letters A
- Gravitation and Cosmology
- International Journal of Geometrical Methods in Modern Physics
- Astrophysics and Space Science
- Advances in High Energy Physics
- The Astrophysical Journal
- Universe
- Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
- The Astronomical Journal
Refereed research proposals
- Thematic programme of the Institut Pascal, Université Paris-Saclay, France, 2023
- EURIZON Fellowship Programme: “Remote Research Grants for Ukrainian Researchers”, EU, 2023
- SNSF Projects MINT, Switzerland, 2023
- NWO Talent Programme 2021, Vidi research proposal, The Netherlands, 2022
- ANR Generic Call for Proposals, France, 2021
- FONDECYT Regular Competition, Chile, 2018
Travel research grants
- STSM from the COST action GWverse for a two-week visit to E. M. Rossi (Leiden Observatory) in 2019 [€2000]
- STSM from the COST action CANTATA for a one-week visit to E. Barausse (Insitut d’Astrophysique de Paris) in 2018 [€1200]
- STSM from the COST action GWverse for a two-week visit to W. Del Pozzo (Univ. of Pisa) in 2018 [€2000]
- STSM from the COST action CANTATA for a one-week visit to F. Lobo (Univ. of Lisbon) in 2017 [€900]
Outreach activities
- N. Tamanini, LISA: observer les ondes gravitationnelles depuis l’espace, Outreach talk (in French), Conference physique fondamentale au CNES (in French), Toulouse [05/11/2024]
- M. Toscani, N. Tamanini et al, Ondes gravitationnelles : un nouveau signal au cœur de la mission spatiale LISA, Article on the CNRS Hebdo (in French) [13/03/2024]
- N. Tamanini, Ondes gravitationnelles: l’aube d’une nouvelle science de l’univers, Outreach talk (in French), Seminaire de la Societe Francais de Physique, Toulouse [30/06/2023]
- N. Tamanini, Ondes gravitationnelles: l’aube d’une nouvelle science de l’univers, Outreach talk (in French), Colloquim CC-IN2P3, Toulouse [06/05/2022]
- N. Tamanini & C. Danielski, Don’t Panic! Gravitational waves can find new planets, Outreach article for the LIGO Magazine (2019) [URL]
Invited seminars & colloquia
- Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens, CERN, Geneva [31/01/2024]
- Science synergies between ground- and space-based gravitational wave observatories, IP2I Lyon, France [15/12/2023]
- Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens, EuCapt Colloquim (remote) [14/11/2023]
- La phénoménologie des ondes gravitationnelles (in French), Conseil Scientifique de l’IN2P3, Paris [03/07/2023]
- GW cosmology with LISA, Ghent University, Belgium [28/03/2023]
- Early career in GWs, Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam, Germany [30/09/2022]
- Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, University of Salamanca, Spain [07/06/2022]
- Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, HEP-Cosmo-Astro seminar (remote) [14/04/2022]
- Gravitational wave cosmology with LISA, Webinaires de l’Action Dark Energy (remote), France [17/02/2022]
- Detecting circumbinary exoplanets with gravitational waves from the center-of-mass motion of LISA Galactic binaries, University of Birmingham (remote), UK [09/12/2020]
- Eppur si muove: detecting circumbinary exoplanets with gravitational waves from the center-of-mass motion of LISA Galactic binaries, University of Amsterdam (remote), The Netherlands [04/11/2020]
- Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, University of Zurich, Switzerland [16/05/2019]
- Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, University of Geneva, Switzerland [07/12/2018]
- Standard sirens: cosmology with gravitational waves, Helsinki Institute of Physics, Finland [30/11/2017]
- Cosmology with massive black hole binary mergers as standard sirens, University of Lisbon, Portugal [20/03/2017]
- Cosmology with massive black hole binary mergers as standard sirens, Columbia University, New York, USA [02/03/2017]
- Measuring the peculiar acceleration of merging binary black holes with LISA, Univ. Wisconsin Milwaukee, USA [24/02/2017]
- Measuring the peculiar acceleration of merging binary black holes with LISA, KICP, Chicago, USA [22/02/2017]
- Cosmology with gravitational waves and gravitational waves with cosmology, University of Geneva, Switzerland [04/11/2016]
- Cosmology with gravitational waves, ICCUB, Barcelona, Spain [27/06/2016]
- Cosmology with gravitational waves, Imperial College, London, UK [27/05/2016]
- Cosmology with gravitational waves, UCL, London, UK [01/06/2016]
- Cosmology with gravitational waves, DAMTP, Cambridge, UK [23/05/2016]
- Cosmology with gravitational waves, KBFI, Tallinn, Estonia [12/05/2016]
- New phenomenology for dark energy interacting with dark matter, IPhT, Saclay, France [21/01/2015]
- Cosmological dynamics for scalar fields with kinetic corrections, QMUL, London, UK [19/02/2014]
- Extensions of f(R) gravity and their applications in cosmology, ICG, Portsmouth, UK [04/12/2013]
Invited conference talks
- Standard sirens with LISA, Talk at the 15th LISA Symposium, Dublin, Ireland [08/07/2024]
- Standard sirens for LISA, Talk at the 11th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Porto, Portugal [20/06/2024]
- Cosmology with GWs and latest LVK results, Talk at Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe Tools 2024 - 5th World Summit, Île de Noirmoutier, France [04/06/2024]
- Project LIROCOS, Talk at the journée de restitution de la MITI, Paris, France [22/03/2024]
- LISA forecasts on LCDM, Talk at LISA Fundamental Physics WG Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark [10/08/2023]
- LISA cosmology vs L3 catalogs, Talk at Towards LISA catalogs, Nice, France [13/06/2023]
- What to expect from LISA, Talk at The quest for precision gravitational wave cosmology, Chicago, USA [19/09/2022]
- GW cosmology with LISA (and TianQin), Talk at TianQin Astro Workshop, online [24/08/2022]
- Cosmology with Gravitational Waves: Current Results and Future Prospects, Talk at International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Gravitation and Cosmology, online [17/12/2021]
- Science overview of LIGO/Virgo and LISA, Talk at IRAP-L2IT gravitaitonal waves mini-symposium, Toulouse, France [10/12/2021]
- Cosmology with gravitaitonal-wave standard sirens, Talk at the Paris Saclay Astroparticule Symposium, Sacaly, France [26/11/2021]
- Exploring and building the future of GW astronomy with GWverse, Talk at the Global meeting of the GWVerse COST action, Lisbon/online [31/08/2021]
- Gravitational wave cosmology: a new arena to test the dark universe, Talk at Atelier de Physique Théorique des deux infinis, online [07/06/2021]
- Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, Talk at PONT2020, online [10/12/2020]
- Can LISA detect exoplanets?, Talk at LISA Consortium meeting, Online event [21/07/2020]
- Cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens: current results and future prospects, Talk at Multimessenger@Prague, Prague, Czech Republic [09/07/2019]
- Cosmology with LISA standard sirens, Talk at GR22-Amaldi13, Valencia, Spain [09/07/2019]
- Astrophysics and Cosmology with LISA Sources, Talk at KITP conference Merging Visions: Exploring Compact-Object Binaries with Gravity and Light, Santa Barbara, USA [26/06/2019]
- Cosmology with LISA standard sirens, Talk at Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Italy [26/03/2019]
- Multimessenger cosmology with LISA, Talk at the Enabling LISA Science Exploitation workshop, Leiden, The Netherlands [05/03/2019]
- Cosmology and modified gravity with LISA standard sirens, Talk at the LISA consortium meeting, Marseille, France [07/11/2018]
- Cosmology with standard sirens, Talk at the meeting of the GdR ondes gravitationnelles, Paris, France [18/10/2018]
- Gravitational wave cosmology with LISA, Talk at the 2018 DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg, Germany [27/09/2018]
- Standard sirens for LISA, Talk at the 4th LISA cosmology working group workshop, Mainz, Germany [18/10/2017]
- Cosmology with LISA: standard sirens, Talk at LISA France meeting, Paris, France [13/10/2017]
- Late-time cosmology with LISA: probing the cosmic expansion with massive black hole binary mergers as standard sirens, Talk at Advances in Theoretical Cosmology in Light of Data, Stockholm, Sweden [03/07/2017]
Contributed conference talks
- Cosmology working group: plans and preparations for O4, talk at the Virgo Week, EGO/Cascina, Italy [07/11/2022]
- Cosmology with gravitational waves: from theory to observations, talk at the workshop A Shot in the Dark: New Challenges in Cosmology 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands [30/06/2022]
- LVK Cosmology Working Group Plans and Preparations for 04, talk at the Virgo France Cosmology Meeting, Paris, France [21/06/2022]
- Constraining higher-dimensional cosmology with gravitational wave standard sirens, Talk at the Cinquième Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Annecy, France [11/10/2021]
- Mapping the cosmic expansion with LISA standard sirens: current status, challenges and opportunities, Talk at the LISA Symposium XIII, online [02/09/2020]
- Detecting circumbinary exoplanets orbiting double white dwarf binaries with LISA, Talk at the Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Portsmouth, UK [17/12/2019]
- Circumbinary exoplanets: a new science case for LISA, Talk at the LISA astrophysics working group meeting, Paris, France [12/12/2018]
- Cosmology at all redshifts with LISA, Talk at the 12th LISA symposium, Chicago, USA [12/07/2018]
- LISA standard sirens, Talk at the 5th LISA cosmology working group workshop, Helsinki, Finland [11/06/2018]
- Standard sirens cosmography with LISA, Talk at the GWverse COST action meeting, Valletta, Malta [22/01/2018]
- Measuring the peculiar acceleration of binary black holes with LISA, Talk at TEGrAW, Paris, France [30/06/2017]
- Cosmology with LISA: massive black hole mergers as standard sirens, Talk at GPhys, Meudon, France [19/06/2017]
- Probing cosmology and measuring the peculiar acceleration of binary black holes with LISA, Talk at StronG BaD, Oxford, Mississippi, USA [28/02/2017]
- Gravitational waves: present and future observations plus cosmological applications, Talk at Strings, Cosmology, and Gravity Student Conference 2017, Paris, France [17/02/2017]
- The effect of matter structure on the gravitational waveform, Talk at Gravitational Waves and Cosmology \& the 3rd eLISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, DESY Hamburg, Germany [21/10/2016]
- Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the 11th International LISA Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland [08/09/2016]
- Late-time cosmology with gravitational waves, Talk at the GRavitational-wave Astronomy Meeting in PAris (GRAMPA), Paris, France [31/08/2016]
- Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the 21st International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, New York, USA [13/07/2016]
- Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at Cosmology after Planck: what is next?, Les Houches, France [27/04/2016]
- Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the 28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Geneva, Switzerland [16/12/2015]
- Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the eLISA consortium meeting, Paris, France [13/10/2015]
- Late-time cosmology with eLISA, Talk at the 2nd eLISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Stavanger, Norway [23/09/2015]
- Late-time cosmology with gravitational waves, Talk at the 8th Aegean Summer School, Rethymno, Greece [30/06/2015]
- New phenomenology for interacting dark energy, Talk at UK Cosmology Meeting, Queen Mary University of London, UK [27/02/2015]
- Cosmic dynamics of cosmological scalar fields, Talk at BritGrav14, Cambridge, UK [01/03/2014]
- The complete dynamics of a cosmological scalar field capable of crossing the phantom barrier, Talk at UK Cosmology Meeting, Kings College London, UK [20/01/2014]
- Good tetrads and exact solutions in f(T) gravity,Talk at the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden [05/07/2012]
- A biconnection variational principle for General Relativity,Talk at the 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden [03/07/2012]
Poster presentations at conferences
- Hybrid metric-Palatini gravities, Poster presentation at the 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, Warsaw, Poland [07/07/2013]
Chaired sessions at conferences
- Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Cosmology session, Marseille, France [15/10/2024]
- LVK Collaboration Meeting, f2f cosmology session, Barcelona, Spain [23/09/2024]
- Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Cosmology session, Meudon, France [16/10/2023]
- LVK Collaboration Meeting, f2f cosmology session, Toyama, Japan [11/09/2023]
- ET Symposium ET OSB Div5 session, Cagliari Italy [10/05/2023]
- LVK Collaboration Meeting, f2f cosmology session, Chicago, US [16/03/2023]
- LVK Collaboration Meeting, f2f cosmology session, Cardiff, UK [12/09/2022]
- AAP MITI Nouvelles méthodes pour le traitement et l’analyse des données spatiales, Discussion at LIDA in France, Caen, France [18/05/2022]
- LECS discussion, Panel discussion at LISA Symposium XIII, online
Participations in conference panel discussions
- Future Challenges in GW Cosmology, Panel discussion at A Shot in the Dark: New Challenges in Cosmology 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands [30/06/2022]
- A career in science: FAQs, Panel discussion at the Global meeting of the GWVerse COST action, Lisbon/online [30/08/2021]
Scientific events attended
- Feb 2025, Workshop on Belgium-Netherland-France collaboration in GW physics, Paris/online, France
- Oct 2024, Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Marseille, France
- Oct 2024, Virgo and ET France meeting, Caen/online, France
- Sept 2024, Heterogenous Data and Large Representation Models in Science, Toulouse, France
- Sept 2024, LVK Collaboration Meeting, Barcelona, Spain
- Aug 2024, Rodolphe Cledassou Summer School, Hendaye, France
- Jul 2024, 15th LISA Symposium, Dublin, Ireland
- Jul 2024, 3rd MaNiTou Summer School on GWs, Toulouse, France
- Jun 2024, GWCats: GW Cosmology meets Galaxy Catalogues, Glasgow, UK
- Jun 2024, 11th LISA CosWG Workshop, Porto, Portugal
- Jun 2024, LISA DDPC Kick-off meeting, Toulouse, France
- Jun 2024, Exploring the Dark Side of the Universe Tools 2024 - 5th World Summit, Île de Noirmoutier, France
- Mar 2024, Journée de restitution de la MITI, Paris, France
- Nov 2023, LISA France Meeting, Paris, France
- Oct 2023, Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Meudon, France
- Oct 2023, Journée des groupes de travail “Cosmologie” et “Tests de la relativité générale et théories alternatives” du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Paris, France
- Oct 2023, Virgo+ET France Meeting, Paris, France
- Sept 2023, LVK Collaboration Meeting, Toyama, Japan
- Aug 2023, LISA Fundamental Physics WG Workshop, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Jun 2023, A journey through the theoretical universe, Toulouse, France
- Jun 2023, Towards LISA catalogs, Nice, France
- Jun 2023, 10th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Stavanger, Norway
- May 2023, ET Symposium, Cagliari, Italy
- May 2023, PONT2023, Avignon, France
- Mar 2023, LVK collaboration meeting, Chicago, US
- Jan 2023, Journée scientifique LPT/L2IT, Toulouse, France,
- Nov 2022, LISA data analysis: from classical methods to machine learining workshop, Toulouse, France
- Nov 2022, Virgo Week, EGO/Cascina, Italy
- Oct 2022, Assemblée Générale GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Toulouse, France
- Oct 2022, Virgo France meeting, Paris, France
- Sept 2022, AEI PhD student day, Potsdam, Germany
- Sept 2022, The quest for precision gravitational wave cosmology, Chicago, USA
- Sept 2022, LVK collaboration meeting, Cardiff, UK
- Aug 2022, TianQin Astro Workshop, online
- Jul 2022, LISA Symposium XVI, online
- Jun 2022, A Shot in the Dark: New Challenges in Cosmology 2022, Leiden, The Netherlands
- Jun 2022, Virgo France Cosmology Meeting, Paris, France
- Jun 2022, Rencontre commune des groupes de travail “Cosmologie” et “Tests de la relativité générale et théories alternatives” du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Orsay, France
- Jun 2022, EuCAPT Workshop: Gravitational wave probes of black hole environments, Rome, Italy
- May 2022, LIDA in France, Caen, France
- Mar 2022, LVK collaboration meeting, online
- Feb 2022, LDPG workshop, online
- Jan 2022, LISA Consortium meeting, online
- Dec 2021, IRAP-L2IT gravitatinal waves mini-symposium, Toulouse, France
- Dec 2021, 9th LISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, online
- Dec 2021, Journée thématique de physique nucléaire et physique astro-nucleare, Toulouse, France
- Nov 2021, Paris Saclay Astroparticule Symposium, Saclay, France
- Nov 2021, Gravitational wave job fair 2021, online
- Oct 2021, Colloque de restitution de l’exercice de prospective nationale 2021-2030, Giens, France
- Oct 2021, Cinquième Assemblée Générale du GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles, Annecy, France
- Sept 2021, Gravitational wave early career scientists (GWECS) meeting, online
- Sept 2021, École de Gif, Marseille, France
- Aug 2021, Global meeting of the GWVerse COST action, Lisbon/online
- Jun 2021, Atelier de Physique Théorique des deux infinis, online
- May 2021, Gravitational wave astrophysics for early career scientists (GWÆCS), Lorentz Center Workshop, online
- Apr 2021, Current challenges in gravitational physics workshop, online
- Mar 2021, Gwmess2021 (annual conference of the GdR in GWs), online
- Feb 2021, First Einstein Telescope France workshop, online
- Jan 2021, Meeting of the cosmology working group of the Groupement de Recherche (GdR) on Gravitational Waves, online
- Dec 2020, Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology (PONT2020), online
- Dec 2020, 11th Einstein Telescope Symposium, online
- Dec 2020, LISA Consortium meeting, online
- Oct 2020, General meeting of the GdR ondes gravitationnelles, online
- Sept 2020, LISA Symposium XIII, online
- Jun 2020, LISA Consortium meeting, online
- Dec 2019, Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Portsmouth, UK
- Dec 2019, Multimessenger@Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
- Jul 2019, GR22/Amaldi13, Valencia, Spain
- Jun 2019, KITP conference Merging Visions: Exploring Compact Object Binaries with Gravity and Light, Santa Barbara, USA
- Mar 2019, Rencontres de Moriond, La Thuile, Italy
- Mar 2019, Enabling LISA Science Exploitation workshop, Leiden, The Netherlands
- Dic 2018, LISA astrophysics Working Group meeting, Paris, France
- Nov 2018, LISA Fundamental Physics Working Group meeting, Firenze, Italy
- Nov 2018, LISA consortium meeting, Marseille, France
- Oct 2018, General meeting of the GdR ondes gravitationnelles, Paris, France
- Sept 2018, 2018 DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg, Germany
- Sept 2018, LIGO/Virgo collaboration meeting, Maastricht, Netherlands
- Jul 2018, 12th LISA symposium, Chicago, USA
- Jun 2018, 5th LISA cosmology working group workshop, Helsinki, Finland
- Jan 2018 GWverse COST action meeting, Valletta, Malta
- Nov 2017, LISA consortium meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Oct 2017, 4th LISA cosmology working group workshop, Mainz, Germany
- Oct 2017, LISA France meeting, Paris, France
- Jul 2017, Advances in Theoretical Cosmology in Light of Data, Stockholm, Sweden
- Jun 2017, The Era of Gravitational wave Astronomy, Paris, France
- Jun 2017, GPhys, Meudon, France
- Jun 2017, Gravitational waves for astrophysics and cosmology, Benasque, Spain
- Apr 2017, Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology (PONT2017), Avignon, France
- Feb 2017, StronG BaD, Oxford, Mississippi, USA
- Feb 2017, Strings, Cosmology, and Gravity Student Conference 2017, Paris, France
- Dic 2016, 10th TRR1.33 Winter School on Cosmology, Passo del Tonale, Italy
- Nov 2016, 1st CANTATA meeting, Lisbon, Portugal
- Oct 2016, Gravitational Waves and Cosmology \& the 3rd eLISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, DESY Hamburg, Germany
- Sept 2016, 11th International LISA Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland
- Aug 2016, GRavitational1.wave Astronomy Meeting in PAris (GRAMPA), Paris, France
- Jul 2016, 21st International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation, New York, USA
- Apr 2016, Cosmology after Planck: what is next?, Les Houches, France
- Oct 2015, 28th Texas Symposium on Relativistic Astrophysics, Geneva, Switzerland
- Oct 2015, The Time Machine Factory, Torino, Italy
- Oct 2015, eLISA consortium meeting, Paris, France
- Sept 2015, 2nd eLISA Cosmology Working Group Workshop, Stavanger, Norway
- Jun 2015, 8th Aegean summer school on gravitational waves, Rethymno (Crete), Greece
- Apr 2015, 1st workshop of the eLISA cosmology working group, CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
- Mar 2015, Extended theories of gravity, Nordita, Stockholm, Sweden
- Feb 2015, UK Cosmology Meeting, Queen Mary University of London, UK
- Nov 2014, Modern aspects of gravity and cosmology, LPT, Orsay, France
- Sept 2014, Dark Matter Numerical Simulations, IPhT, CEA1.Saclay, France
- Apr 2014, Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology (PONT), Avignon, France
- Mar 2014, BritGrav14, Cambridge, UK
- Mar 2014, Cosmology and the constants of Nature, Cambridge, UK
- Jan 2014, UK Cosmology Meeting, Kings College London, UK
- July 2013, 20th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation and 10th Amaldi Conference on Gravitational Waves, Warsaw, Poland
- July 2012, 13th Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden
- Sept 2011, Do we understand gravity?, Institute of Physics, London, UK
- Dic 2010, 4th TRR1.33 Winter School on Cosmology, Passo del Tonale, Italy
Spoken languages
- Italian (native speaker)
- English (fluent)
- French (fluent)
- German (not fluent at all)